refugee job-seekers with videos of others who have made it in fields they are interested in


EMPOWER users to assess their own interests and skills, quickly and easily within a user-friendly app, linked into ESCO


CONNECT users with VET professionals who can check out their watchlist and help them take the next steps


INFORM VET professionals about key conditions facing refugee and other migrant job-seekers in their countries


Refugee migration to Europe present both opportunities and challenges for vocational education and training systems. On the opportunity side, an influx of highly-motivated individuals provides a boost to the labour force, and particularly to sectors that have difficulty filling demand. On the challenge side, refugees often enter host-country labour markets without orientation or even a basic concept of the types of VET and career tracks available. VET VOICES is an ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership that aims to give refugees and other migrants a foot in the door to European vocational training and education.


Duration: December 2021 – May 2023
Target countries: Germany, Greece, Turkey, and Spain
Coordinator: SINUS Market and Social Research Institute

The VET Voices project was selected for funding under the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships program (2020-1-DE02-KA202-007545).

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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